Switzerland is one of the biggest investors in the ICT sector in Serbia!

Continuation of successful economic cooperation with Switzerland


Switzerland is among the leading foreign investors in Serbian IT industry. Between 2010 and the third quarter of 2021, Swiss residents’ investments amounted to 1.7 billion euros (1685.3 million euros).

In order to further strengthen economic relations between the two countries, Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce has organised the visit to CCIG - Chambre de commerce, d'industrie et des services de Genève on June 14, 2022.
Mr. Majo Micovic, president of SSCC and CEO of Sky Express, IT security company, and Mr. Vincent Subilia, Director General of CCIS have signed Memorandum of Cooperation.

Mr. Subilia has returned the visit to SSCC in Belgrade on July 12.
Mr. Mićović has organised the meeting at the Serbian government with Mr. Subilia and The Prime Minister Mrs. Ana Brnabic and Swiss Ambassador to Serbia H.E. Urs Schmid.
The Prime Minister especially pointed to the advantages available to foreign investors and underlined that Switzerland is among the leading investors in Serbia in the field of information technologies, given that this field has a great potential for development in Serbia. Mrs. Brnabic highlighted the importance of biotechnology as a promising field of cooperation with companies from Geneva. Mr. Subilia said that Serbia, as an advanced economy, can contribute significantly to the further improvement of business opportunities of companies from Geneva which want to invest and that is why his mission is to encourage those companies and help them get involved.

Mr. Mićović believes that Mr. Subilia’s visit and signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation will open the door to even more significant investments in Serbia: ’’We exchanged experiences with our guest and promoted the exceptional opportunities for cooperation between Serbia and the Canton of Geneva, which is one of the wealthiest and most developed economic centres in Europe’’. 

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